We can help in emergencies
The American Association of University Women St. Cloud Area Branch offers an Emergency Fund through our institutional members at St. Cloud State University and the College of Saint Benedict.
Flash Funds will provide emergency cash to Minority women students, Indigenous women students, and women student teachers at the schools who are experiencing unexpected financial hardship.
This program will be managed by institutional directors at the schools, who will determine the amount each student will receive. One request per student in the maximum amount of $500 may be granted.
The funds do not need to be repaid.
Funds are provided only when there are funds available and may vary based on need.
Expenses may include but are not limited to:
- Costs connected with student teaching (school supplies, additional childcare, unexpected gas costs).
- Unexpected medical costs.
- Safety needs (e.g. changing locks).
- Replacement of essential personal belongings due to fire or theft and/or relocation expenses.
- Travel costs related to death or illness of family.
Expenses may NOT include tuition and fees, parking tickets and other fines, non-essential utilities (i.e. cable television) and household or furniture costs.
How to apply
- Step-by-step instructions
- Student completes Flash Funds application and AAUW Membership application and emails it to the appropriate University Administrator with information supporting emergency need and what caused it, and invoice(s) to be paid if possible.