The American Association of University Women – Saint Cloud Area (MN) Branch is now welcoming area women to join us! When you become a member of AAUW you are part of a local, state, and national organization comprised of educated, successful women who have supported women and girls since 1881. The Saint Cloud Area (MN) Branch began in 1922 and is still going strong today with over 120 members!
MISSION STATEMENT: AAUW advances gender equity for women and girls through education, research, and advocacy.
Why should you consider becoming a member?
- Enjoy engaging camaraderie with women who also want to support women and girls’ rights.
- The monthly program runs from September through May and includes a social hour, meal,
and expert presenters. Come when you can!
- It doesn’t matter how often you attend a program or event, AAUW members are history-makers, change-agents, and futurists. We will always stand together under one mission!
- Our members represent working professionals and retirees from the community including teachers, professors, administrators, legal and medical personnel, business and government leaders, and nonprofit executives.
- We support women and girls through the National Conference of College Women Student Leaders, Tech Savvy for girls, grades 5-9, arts’ initiatives including the Area High School Juried Art Exhibition at the Paramount, Flash Funds scholarships, and a community grant for women’s enterprises, workshops, or businesses.
- National AAUW research and funding has been used to create awareness and affect positive
change. Examples are: Title IX, the Equal Pay Act, anti-discrimination lawsuits, STEM events, and graduate school grants and scholarships.
- WorkSmart is an online training program in salary negotiation with the goal of training 10 million women.
- St. Cloud State University and the College of Saint Benedict have been our AAUW partner-members for more than 10 years.
- Our programming provides personal development for lifelong learners!
- Social activities take place throughout the year; ice cream social, happy hours, luncheons, parties.
- A popular Literature Group meets once a month (Sept. – May) during the day.
- The Thursday Night Book Club follows the PBS/NY Times national book selections, .
- Annual dues are $108, which includes AAUW branch, state, and national membership.
- Meet interesting brilliant women; network, make new friends, inspire and be inspired.
For additional information visit or
Or email us at
We hope to hear from you soon.